Tax & Legal Backlog. We Advise Tech

I. Introductory provisions

  • These General Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) constitute the performance of the obligation referred to in Article 8(1)(1) of the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services.
  • The Terms set out the terms of use of the Internet website: “Tax & Legal Backlog. We Advise Tech” (hereinafter: the “Website”), including the terms of the We Advise Tech newsletter subscription service (hereinafter: “Newsletter”) and the use of the contact form available on the Website.
  • The Website is operated jointly by its co-authors:
    • Agnieszka Oleszczuk-Sowa Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego with its registered office at Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/47, 30-349 Kraków;
    • Dorota Majcher-Czyż Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego, with its registered office at ul. Zamknięty 10/1.5, 30-554 Kraków;
    • Paweł Fedczyszyn Kancelaria Adwokacka, with registered office at Rynek Dębnicki 6/1, 30-319 Kraków.
  • The co-authors of the Website can be contacted by e-mail at the following address:
  • These Terms are made available free of charge on the Website: in a form that enables free recording, storage and reproduction by the User using the Service.
  • These Terms apply to all users who use the website, including its content and functionalities (such as the contact form), as well as to persons who subscribe to the Newsletter.

II. Principles of use of the Website and nature of published content

  • The Website operates in accordance with the rules described in these Terms.
  • The user is obliged to get acquainted himself/herself with these conditions before using the website.
  • Use of the Website is free, voluntary and open to all users of the Internet.
  • It may be necessary to enable the necessary cookies to view the Website. The use of the Website requires the acceptance of the necessary cookies, without which the display of the content published on the Website may be impaired or disabled. More detailed information on the cookies required under article 173, paragraph 1, point 1 of the Telecommunications Act is provided in the Privacy Policy available on the Website.
  • Please note that the Website and the Newsletter are for educational purposes only and contain general information. The articles presented on the Website and in the Newsletter do not constitute legal advice and, as abbreviated articles of a general nature, naturally contain some simplifications and abbreviations and do not contain an analysis of all possible options or cases. 
    • The issues raised and the actions or analyses described in our content, before being applied to a specific factual situation, require an analysis of the case in question, which may require a specialised assessment and analysis, in particular with the assistance of a lawyer or tax advisor. Authors may, under separately agreed terms, offer such a service. Self-implementation of the presented content in one’s own business is at one’s own risk – the co-authors do not accept any responsibility for the consequences of using the published content as legal advice.
    • It should be borne in mind that when the authors of an article express an opinion, this opinion represents their own position or assessment, whereas in a specific case – depending on a number of other circumstances – the approach of an authority or a court in a given case may be different.
    • When reading the content published on the website or made available in the Newsletter, you should also bear in mind the date of publication of the relevant article, which reflects the state of the law as considered by the author of the article. Subsequent changes in the law, case law or tax interpretations may affect the validity of the content of the article.
    • Please note that all content, graphics and logos, as well as the graphic layout of the Website, are protected works under the Act on Copyrights and Related Rights. Their use without the consent of the co-authors is prohibited, except in cases provided for by mandatory legal provisions.
  • To subscribe to the Newsletter, you must register on the Website by providing your e-mail address and at least one first name, thereby agreeing to receive the Newsletter at the e-mail address provided. Subscription to the Newsletter implies prior acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the Website. Within the framework of the Newsletter, the subscriber will receive at his/her e-mail address articles published on the site, information on changes to the site, information on topics covered on the site and on the contributors and their activities, including information of a marketing nature. Subscription constitutes an agreement to receive the Newsletter for an indefinite period. The subscriber can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by replying to the newsletter e-mail or by sending a message to the following e-mail address:
  • In order to use the contact form, you must provide your email address and at least your first name on the Website, thereby agreeing to receive a reply from the authors at the email address you provide. Use of the contact form is subject to prior acceptance of these Terms and Privacy Policy. If the request is a request for an offer or other commercial information, the user must also agree to receive commercial information at the email address provided (by ticking a box in the contact form). Failure to consent will prevent the expected commercial information from being sent.

III. User rights and obligations

  • Each User undertakes to use the Website in a manner consistent with the content of these Terms, respect for the law and good manners.
  • In particular, it is prohibited to:
    • provide false, inaccurate or outdated information or personal data, or provide personal data of third parties when using the Website, subscribing to the newsletter, the contact form or other functionalities available on the Website,
    • provide content that is contrary to common law or morality,
    • interfere with the operation of the Website, including unauthorised interference with the operation of the Website, cause disruptions to the operation of the Website, introduce malicious software, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, unauthorised enhancements and other mechanisms that may adversely affect the operation of the Website, block the operation of the Website,
    • make any modifications to the Website or other elements of the Website, including decompiling, adapting, translating code or making any other changes to the software,
    • remove or alter any security features or markings on the Website, including trademarks or other designations contained therein.
  • Except in the case of permitted use under mandatory legal provisions, it is prohibited to copy, publish, use in other materials of one’s own, in whole or in part, the materials published on the website or in the newsletter.  
  • When quoting content available on the Website or included in the Newsletter, to the extent permitted by mandatory provisions of law, the quoting party must clearly and prominently indicate the name of the author of the content and the name of the Website: “Tax & Legal Backlog. We Advise Tech” and a link to the Website.

    IV. Technical requirements

    • To use the Website, you will need a device with Internet access and a correctly configured web browser, e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    • In order to use the contact form available on the website and to subscribe to the newsletter, it is necessary to have an active email address and to provide at least your name, as well as to accept the Privacy Policy and these Terms in advance.

      V. Personal information

      • The contributors to the website are the joint controllers of the users’ personal data.
      • The rules for processing users’ personal data are described in the Privacy Policy published on the Website.

        VI. Complaints

        • The User has the right to report reservations and errors in the operation or functionality of the Website or the Newsletter Service by sending an e-mail to the following address: 
        • Complaints should include a detailed description of the problem encountered and the User’s contact details so that the Co-authors can respond to the User’s report.
        • The Co-authors will respond to the request or complaint within 14 days of receiving the complete information. In the absence of a response within this period, the consumer’s complaint will be considered valid.

          VII. Disclaimer of liability

          • For technical reasons, malfunctions or failures may occur which prevent or impede the use of the Service. This includes temporary interruptions in access to the Service due to upgrades.

            VIII. Changes to the terms of use

            • The Co-authors reserve the right to amend these Terms for important reasons such as changes to the Website, changes to the law, changes to the subject matter of the Website or other changes affecting Co-authors.
            • The current Terms are always available on the Website.

              IX. Final provisions

              • The applicable law for the application of these Terms is Polish law.


              Date of the Regulations: 18.03.2024 r.

              Date of the last update: not applicable