Tax & Legal Backlog. We Advise Tech

Protecting the privacy of users of the Tax & Legal Backlog. We Advise Tech” website (“the Service”) is of particular importance to us. For this reason, all users of the Service (i.e. visitors to the website) are guaranteed high standards of privacy protection. As the data controller, we are responsible for the security of the personal data provided by users.

I. Administrators and Contact Details

  • “Personal Data” means any information that directly identifies you, such as your last name, first name, email address, provided by you when using the contact forms or other functionalities provided by the Website; or indirectly identifies you, such as your IP address or cookie identifiers.
  • Pursuant to Art. 26 of the GDPR, the joint-controllers of the personal data of the users of the Website processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy are:
    • Agnieszka Oleszczuk-Sowa Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego with registered office at ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/47, 30-349 Kraków;
    • Dorota Majcher-Czyż Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego, with its registered office at ul. Zamknięty 10/1.5, 30-554 Kraków;
    • Paweł Fedczyszyn Kancelaria Adwokacka with its registered office at Rynek Dębnicki 6/1, 30-319 Kraków,

Hereinafter collectively referred to as: “Administrators” or each individually as: “Administrator”.

  • The personal data of the Users of the Website will be processed by the Administrators in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”).
  • If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data by the Administrators, you may contact us at the following email address e-mail: the same time, we would like to inform you that the Administrators (as joint-administrators) have appointed Paweł Fedczyszyn, as your contact person in matters concerning your personal data, who can be contacted at the above e-mail address or at the address of their registered office: Rynek Dębnicki 6/1, 30-319 Kraków.
  • Pursuant to the obligation arising from the provisions of Article 13(1) and (2) of GDPR, in force in all EU Member States as of 25 May 2018, we hereby inform you about the way and purpose of processing your personal data, as well as about your rights related to the protection of your data.

II. Scope of the processing of personal data

  • When using certain services of the Website, you may be asked to provide your personal data. The amount of personal data required will be determined in each case according to the requirements of the particular service or functionality of the Website that the user wishes to use. Data through the Service is collected by the administrators directly from the data subjects. If the User uses the Service solely for the purpose of reading the contents of the Website, the Administrators may collect certain information about the User by means of cookies, about which the Users will be informed by the Administrators each time.
  • Information on the cookies used on the Website is also included in section VIII of this Privacy Policy. When the Controllers require the provision of data in order to use the functionalities made available on the Website, the provision of such data is always entirely voluntary; however, failure to provide personal data will prevent the use of the Website in accordance with the functionalities made available.

III. Purposes and legal basis of data processing

  • The Controllers will only collect and process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. Any data provided by the user (including, in particular, your name, contact details provided, e.g. e-mail, traditional address or telephone number), will be used by the Controllers for the sole purpose of:
    • providing a service for contacting the Controllers and contacting the user, including for the purposes of handling the use of the contact form provided by the Controllers on the website of the Website, to handle enquiries and requests submitted via the contact channel provided by the user in order to answer questions, to inform about the Controllers’ activities, including about the services offered by the Controllers (e-mail and traditional correspondence, possibly) legal basis for data processing is art. 6.1.b (processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the contract) or art. 6.1.f of the GDPR (legally justified interest of the Controllers ), where the Controllers’ legally justified interest is to build relations and provide service to users of the Service, to answer their questions;
    • newsletter subscription based on your subscription to the newsletter on the Service, including the provision of information about new posts and articles appearing on the Service – the legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the contract;  
    • marketing of own services, including promotion of the content available within the Service and of the Controllers – as the authors of this content and of their activities related to the subject of the Website – the legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legally justified interest of the Controllers), where the Controllers ‘ legally justified interest is the promotion and marketing of their own services and your consent to the sending of commercial information by electronic means;
    • the processing of personal data in order to comply with any legal obligations of the Controllers – the legal basis for data processing is Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR;
    • for analytical, developmental purposes, for the purposes of improvements (including to improve the user experience), administration, maintenance, technical support and security of the Website, which constitutes our legitimate interest in processing the data – the legal basis for processing the data is Article 6(1)(f) RODO;
    • the possible establishment, investigation or defense of claims, enforcement or investigation of potential violations of the terms of use of the Website or other actual or alleged illegal activities, the protection of the rights, property or security of the Website, users and other third parties, which constitutes our legitimate interest in processing the data – the legal basis for processing the data is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

IV. Recipients of personal data

    • The personal data of the users of the Service may be disclosed by the Controllers to
      • the staff authorised by the Controllers
      • our partners and external companies that provide services to the Administrators and are processed by them to enable them to provide the services commissioned by the Controllers, including providers of cloud solutions and IT systems used to provide the services, including companies responsible for hosting, backup, maintenance and development of the Website, newsletter service, providers of email and other IT services, companies providing accounting services;
      • to public authorities or bodies entitled to receive data under applicable law, such as courts, law enforcement agencies or government institutions, if they make a request based on the relevant legal basis. In the event of a data security breach, certain personal data may be subject to disclosure to the authorities responsible for its protection.

    V. Rights of data subjects

    • The User of the Website has the following rights with regard to the personal data processed by the Administrators:
      • The right to access the User’s personal data;
      • The right to rectify the User’s personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
      • The right to have your personal data deleted;
      • The right to object to the processing of your personal data. You have the right to object if the Controller’s processing of your data is based on the Controller’s legitimate interest, e.g. to profile your data for marketing purposes. The Administrator will cease processing the data for those purposes unless there are compelling legitimate grounds overriding the interests, rights and freedoms of the User or the User’s data is necessary for the Administrator to establish, assert or defend any claim;
      • where you have consented to the processing of personal data, you may withdraw your consent to further processing at any time. Consent may be withdrawn at any time by contacting the Administrator at the email address provided in Section I of this Privacy Policy. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out by the Administrator prior to the withdrawal of consent by the User;
      • The right to data portability of the User’s personal data;
      • The right to restrict the processing of your personal data;
      • The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection with its seat in Warsaw, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw).

    VI. Retention period of personal data

      • The Controllers will keep and process the personal data of users of the Website for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing indicated in Section III of this Privacy Policy or in accordance with mandatory legal provisions.
      • If your personal data is processed on the basis of your consent, it will not be processed for longer than the period until you revoke your consent.
      • If your personal data is processed on the basis of a legitimate interest of the Controllers, your personal data will be processed for no longer than the period for which such a legitimate interest exists (including no longer than until you revoke your consent to receive commercial information by e-mail pursuant to Article 10 of the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services or direct marketing pursuant to Article 172 of the Telecommunications Act), but no longer than until you express your objection.
      • In the case of the processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations of the data controllers, your personal data will be processed for no longer than the period during which such obligations are incumbent on the data controllers or for the period indicated in the relevant legislation.
      • In the event that you do not consent to the sending of commercial information, but have sent us a request of any other kind (by e-mail, contact form, traditional), your personal data will be processed for a maximum period of 6 months from the date of reply to your request.
      • Once the purpose of the processing has been achieved, the Controllers will erase or anonymise your personal data and, if they intend to process the data for analytical purposes, they will pseudonymise the data in order to use the data to the extent relevant and necessary for the specific purposes of the processing, in such a way that the data subjects cannot be identified and made identifiable.

      VII. Security

      • The Administrator shall implement appropriate and reasonable technical and organisational measures to ensure an adequate level of security and integrity of Users’ personal data, using proven technological standards to prevent unauthorised access to Users’ personal data.

      VIII. Cookies

      • Cookies are small text files that the website stores on a user’s computer or mobile device when the user browses the website. Cookies typically contain the name of the originating domain, the time of storage on the terminal, and a unique, randomly selected number that identifies the file. The information collected by these cookies helps us to tailor the Website to the individual preferences and real needs of users. They also make it possible to compile general statistics on the use of the site and to maintain a user’s session. The Administrator is the entity that places cookies on the User’s terminal and gains access to them.
      • The information collected by means of cookies is used solely to ensure the correct functioning of the Website and for analytical, statistical and marketing purposes, as well as to tailor information to the User’s use of the Website.
      •  The website uses the following types of cookies:
        • “Necessary” cookies that enable the use of services available on the Website, e.g. authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication on the Website;
        • “Performance/analytical” cookies that collect information about the use of a site, such as the pages visited by a particular user and any error messages; they do not collect information that identifies the user and the data collected is aggregated in such a way as to make it anonymous. Analytical cookies are used to improve the performance of the site;
        • “Functional” cookies that allow the Website to remember any choices you make on the pages (such as changing the font size, customising the page);
        • “Advertising” cookies – in order to promote certain products, items or services, we may use advertisements that appear on other websites. This type of cookie is used to make advertising messages more relevant and tailored to the preferences of website users.
      • In many cases, web browser software allows cookies to be stored on the user’s terminal equipment by default. Website users can change their cookie settings at any time. In particular, these settings can be modified in order to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings or to notify the user each time a cookie is placed on the user’s equipment.
      • The User may limit or disable access to cookies on his/her computer; however, the Controller reserves the right that, despite all the care taken, in certain cases the lack of use of cookies may lead to a reduction in the functionality of the website.
      • The Controller reserves the right to use the services of third parties to compile statistics on the use of the Website. No data identifying users will be transmitted to such entities.

        IX. Profiling, automated decision making, data transfers

        • The data provided by users on the Website will not be the subject of automated decision-making or profiling.
        • Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area.

          X. Information on the obligation to provide personal data

          • Any personal data provided to the Controllers is provided by you voluntarily, in connection with the use of the functionalities of the Website or your correspondence with the Administrators.
          • If you do not provide the required information, you will not be able to enter into any contracts or use any of the functionalities of the Website (e.g. order a newsletter or contact us via the contact forms).

            XI. Key provisions of the Data Controllers pursuant to Article 26 of the GDPR.

            • As the Controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of data processing as joint controllers of personal data, they have entered into an agreement pursuant to Article 26 of the GDPR.
            • Each of the Controllers shall exercise due diligence to ensure the security of the processing of your data.
            • The main arrangements of the Controllers pursuant to Article 26 of the GDPR are as follows:
              • The common point of contact designated by the Controllers is Paweł Fedczyszyn, whom you may contact using the data indicated in point I of the Privacy Policy,
              • Paweł Fedczyszyn will respond to inquiries regarding the processing of personal data under the joint administration,
              • The Controllers are jointly responsible for fulfilling the obligation to inform data subjects whose data is processed by the Controllers,
              • The Controllers shall jointly ensure that the data subjects are able to exercise all the rights provided for in the GDPR,
              • notwithstanding the foregoing, all rights under the GDPR may be exercised by the data subject against any of the Controllers,
              • Controllers are jointly responsible for the implementation of organisational and technical measures concerning the contact form and the Website.

            XII. Updates

            • The Privacy Policy may be modified by the Controllers at any time. In this case, the Controllers will publish an updated version of the Privacy Policy on the Website concerned and will inform the Users of these changes and their date of entry into force.


            Date of the Privacy Policy:: 18.03.2024 r.

            Date of last update: not applicable